Explore the vast and varied Languedoc-Roussillon, from crystalline beaches to craggy mountains, and discover the small, independent family wineries that dot the landscape.
The regions of Languedoc and Roussillon are coastal Mediterranean areas in the South of France, stretching from Provence to the Pyrenees at the Spanish border. On a map, the area doesn’t appear formidable, yet one in every three appellation-designated French wines are produced here.
Hoke Harden will be your guide and sommelier. He is a Certified Specialist of Wine, attended the FWS Master Program for Vins de
Provence and the Maison de Rosé, is a US Ambassador for Pineau des Charentes, and a BNIC Certified Cognac Educator.
We will be tasting:
• Domaine Delsol Picpoul de Pinet
• Château La Baronne Les Chemins Blanc, Corbières
• La Sarabande Pig Orange, Faugères
• Mont de Marie Aramonix, VdF
• Fitou, Château de Ségure
• Domaine La Bosque Saint-Chinian, La Regalade
• Domaine Courbissac Minervois Les Traverse
• Domaine Danjou-Banessy Roboul, Côtes Catalane
The Alliance Wine Club meets monthly,
usually on the third Sunday of the month.
(And for the occasional bonus event.)

Taste wines of the Languedoc-Roussillon on Sunday, April 21, from 3:30-5:30 at the Alliance Française, 1425 SW 20th Avenue,
Portland 97201.
General admission is $45, with a $5 discount automatically applied for current Alliance members.