Give and Grow by Becoming Part of our French-Speaking Community

Love the French language?
The Alliances relies on volunteer help for events and educational programs. Do you have a skill you'd like to share? Or simply free time you'd like to dedicate to promoting French language and culture? Become part of our organization and take free classes in exchange for your time!
Love the excitement of French events?
Get involved with major Alliance events like la Fête de la Bastille, and our Annual Gala and Soirée. We also welcome volunteers for small events throughout the year.
Ready to volunteer? Let us know at
Street parking on SW 20th St. facing the Kamm House is limited. Free parking is available in Lot A at SW 18th and SW Columbia. Please obtain a parking pass from the office. After 6 pm weekdays, students may park in the Willamette Dental lot at SW 20th and SW Jefferson as available.OFFICE HOURS
The Alliance office is open 10am-3pm Monday through Friday.Call us at 503.223.8388 during business hours or leave a message.
Email us at