To celebrate the month of Francophonie, the Alliance is presenting Festinema Junior, a francophone film festival for young audiences . Festinema Junior is an educational project created in 2014 by the Alliance Française Network in the US, with films generously provided by the French Institute.
The festival aims to promote the French language and francophone cultures through the screenings of four films. The films are accompanied by free educational materials that help teachers to explore various themes with their students before and after screenings. These explorations will enhance students' critical thinking and initiate film analysis.
The Festival has five goals:
1. Introduce young audiences to French-speaking cinema;
2. Integrate cinema as a teaching tool in classes;
3. Offer children of all socio-economical and cultural backgrounds an opportunity to see a film in foreign language in a special setting;
4. Teach young people to be critical in their analysis of films;
5. Promote synergies between Alliances Françaises and school networks offering French language learning.
All of the screenings are entirely FREE for the participating schools. The Alliance Française provides the films, along with educational portfolios for each film (in French, English and Spanish) with pre-screening and post-screening activities. The films are available for screening in March and April. For inquiries about the festival, please contact Director of Education and Culture, Elene Zedginidze.
2023 Program
4-6 Years
"L’odyssée de Choom", film d’animation de 2019 de Julien Bisaro- 26min. Watch
trailer here.
7-12 ans
"Chien pourri", la vie à Paris, film d’animation de 2019 de Davy Durand, Vincent Patar et Stéphane Aubier- 1h02. Watch
trailer here.
16-18 ans
"La Traversée" (The Crossing), film d’animation de 2020 de Florence Miailhe – 1h24. Watch
trailer here.

Street parking on SW 20th St. facing the Kamm House is limited. Free parking is available in Lot A at SW 18th and SW Columbia. Please obtain a parking pass from the office. After 6 pm weekdays, students may park in the Willamette Dental lot at SW 20th and SW Jefferson as available.OFFICE HOURS
The Alliance office is open 10am-3pm Monday through Friday.Call us at 503.223.8388 during business hours or leave a message.
Email us at info@afportland.org.