Garnacha/Grenache is one of the world’s oldest and most widely planted grapes for winemaking. As the Kingdom of Aragon expanded
across the Mediterranean in the 13th and 14th centuries, Garnacha was planted in its wake. In French Catalonia, it became known
as Grenache.
Grenache is the only major grape variety with red, grey
and white variants, which allows it to produce highly diverse wines of exceptional character and concentration.
Hoke Harden will be your guide and sommelier. He is a Certified Specialist of Wine, attended the FWS Master Program for Vins de
Provence and the Maison de Rosé, is a US Ambassador for Pineau des Charentes, and a BNIC Certified Cognac Educator.
Tasting Menu:
Terra Alta: Herencia Altés Garnatxa Blanc
Calatayud: Evodia Old Vine Garnacha
Priorat: Celler Cecilia Black Slate Gratallops
Roussillon: Mon P'tit Pithon Blanc
Roussillon: Domaine Lafage Narassa
Faugères: Domaine Sarabande "Mysterioso"
Rhône: Ch. Font de Loup Châteauneuf-du-Pape Les Demoiselles
Sardegna: Cannonau di Sardegna Pala Centosere
Banyuls: Dom. Rectorie Banyuls Cuvée Thérèse Reig (500 ml)
The Alliance Wine Club meets monthly,
usually on the third Sunday of the month.
(And for the occasional bonus event.)

This tasting of Garnacha to Grenache will be held Sunday, January 21, from 3:30-5:30 at the Alliance Française, 1425 SW 20th Avenue,
Portland 97201.
General admission is $45, with a $5 discount automatically applied for current Alliance members.