Join our Guided Tour  of the Japanese Garden en français

Nous organisons, en partenariat avec le Portland Japanese Garden, une visite guidée de ce jardin emblèmatique de notre ville guidée par Marie-Noëlle, guide expérimentée d'origine française. Venez découvrir, ou redécouvrir l'histoire, l'architecture et la signification si remarquables de ce jardin, en français. La date qui a pu être fixée pour cette visite unique est le 25 mai à 10h30. Le nombre de particpants est limité à 15, faites votre réservation rapidement.

We are also offering a group tour in English with some French at the same date and time, May 25 at 10:30. Tours in English require a minimum of 15 participants and are capped at 35.

Please sign up for either tour using the buttons to the right. 

The 12-acre  (4.9 ha) Portland Japanese Garden is composed of eight garden spaces and a Cultural Village. As a Japanese garden, the desired effect is to realize a sense of peace, harmony, and tranquility and to experience the feeling of being a part of nature. Three of the essential elements used to create the garden are stone, the "bones" of the landscape; water, the life-giving force; and plants, the tapestry of the four seasons.

Presented by the Alliance Française
in partnership with Oregon Accueil.

Join the Alliance Française and Oregon Accueil on Saturday, May 25, at 10:30am for a tour en français or in English of the Japanese Garden, 611 SW Kingston Avenue, Portland, OR 97205. Click for Directions.

Admission is $22 per person.

Sign up for the French tour  Sign up for the French tour 

Sign up for the English  tour Sign up for the English  tour



Street parking on SW 20th St. facing the Kamm House is limited. Free parking is available in Lot A at SW 18th and SW Columbia. Please obtain a parking pass from the office. After 6 pm weekdays, students may park in the Willamette Dental lot at SW 20th and SW Jefferson as available.


The Alliance office is open 10am-3pm Monday through Friday.
Call us at 503.223.8388 during business hours or leave a message.
Email us at



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