How to Decide Where to Live in France with Adrian Leeds, Saturday, January 28 at 11 am

For people wanting to move to France who haven’t yet settled on a particular city and want more options, this is a big topic. There
are a lot of places in France to love, and it’s easy to view them from rose-colored glasses. Adrian Leeds will talk about all those
wonderful villages, towns, cities, regions, etc., but with the practical aspects in mind that will help you make the best decisions.
Adrian Leeds is a French property expert, HGTV personality, published journalist and author, events coordinator, marketing, public relations and communications expert. Adrian arrived in Paris in 1994 with more than 21 years of experience in marketing and public relations, not to mention a daughter. In her need to survive in the City of Light as a single mother, she created a variety of businesses devoted to assisting other expats in their quest to fulfill their dream to live in France. Her company, the Adrian Leeds Group, is a licensed real estate agency offering complete property consultation services primarily for North Americans and other Anglophones wanting to live and/or invest in France. Photo credit: Erica Simone
Adrian Leeds is presented in partnership with the Federation of Alliances Françaises. This zoom event will be in English and is free to current Alliance members. The zoom link will be sent the week of the event.
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