Franche-Comté is the regional IGP (Indication Géographique Protégée) that covers red, white and rosé wines (still or sparkling) from a large, mountainous area of eastern France. Surrounded by Bourgogne, Savoie and Alsace, these wines are rustic reminders of varieties and styles from the distant past.
The Franche-Comté region – one of 27 official regions of France – is located on the border of Switzerland. The wine region of Alsace is to the north, while the vineyards of Savoie occupy the Alps to the south.
Hoke Harden will be your guide and sommelier. He is a Certified Specialist of Wine, attended the FWS Master Program for Vins de
Provence and the Maison de Rosé, is a US Ambassador for Pineau des Charentes, and a BNIC Certified Cognac Educator.
Tasting Menu:
Domaine Bourdy, Crémant de Jura
Domaine Guillaume, Chardonnay, Franche-Comté VDP
Domaine Guillaume, Pinot Noir, Franche-Comté VDP
Domaine Dugois, Savagnin, Auréoline, Arbois
Domaine Dugois, Savagnin Sous Voile, Arbois
Domaine Dugois, Ploussard, La Sombarde, Arbois
Domaine Dugois, Trousseau, Grevellière, Arbois
Domaine Pignier GPS, Vin Blanc d'Antan, Côtes du Jura
Domaine Bourdy, Macvin du Jura
The Alliance Wine Club meets monthly,
usually on the third Sunday of the month.
(And for the occasional bonus event.)

This tasting of wines from Franche-Comté will be held Sunday, February 18, from 3:30-5:30 at the Alliance Française, 1425 SW 20th
Avenue, Portland 97201.
General admission is $45, with a $5 discount automatically applied for current Alliance members.