De Nos Frères Blessés StreamING TO June 30: HALF OFF DISCOUNT

Experience the true and tragic story of Fernand Iveton and the woman who loved him, his wife Hélène. The 2020 film, directed by Hélier Cisterne, features Vincent Lacoste and Vicky Krieps and is based on the novel Tomorrow They Won't Dare to Murder Us by Joseph Andras. The novel was a political sensation in France and was awarded the Prix Goncourt, which Andras refused.
Iveton was born in 1926 in Algiers to a Spanish mother and a French father who was a member of the Algerian Communist Party (PCA) which Fernand also joined. He later became a member of the FLN and in 1956 planted a bomb in his workplace, a gas works. In order to not kill anybody, he placed the bomb in his locker and set the timer so that the bomb would explode when the workplace was empty. Because of his political record, Iveton was closely watched and the bomb was found before it could explode. Iveton was arrested, tortured, and sentenced to death after a one-day trial and was guillotined in 1957.
The film is a moving account of Fernand's ordeal and of the enduring
love between Fernand and his wife Hélène who became the wife of a traitor after his arrest, but refused to abandon him to
his fate.
This film is presented in partnership with the Federation of Alliances Françaises and is French with English subtitles.
Stream this film at home until June 30 at the discounted price: $4
for members, $6 for non-members.
After you purchase a ticket, you will receive a link to the film and your unique discount code. Once you enter the code on the site,
you'll have five days to watch the film. Finally, once you start the film, you'll have 48 hours to complete viewing.
Street parking on SW 20th St. facing the Kamm House is limited. Free parking is available in Lot A at SW 18th and SW Columbia. Please obtain a parking pass from the office. After 6 pm weekdays, students may park in the Willamette Dental lot at SW 20th and SW Jefferson as available.OFFICE HOURS
The Alliance office is open 10am-3pm Monday through Friday.Call us at 503.223.8388 during business hours or leave a message.
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